Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Being Connected

We live in a busy world.
Lots of rushing around.
So many responsibilities.

There's the stress that kids create in a marriage.
There's the concern over money issues.
There are in-law and out-law relationship battles.

How do you and your spouse stay connected?

1. Being connected to your spouse takes time.

2. Being connected to your spouse takes effort.

3. Being connected to your spouse takes perseverance.

From my research, and speaking with couples , I've found most do at least these three things to stay connected with each other (there are other things but these are the top three)

  • Plan specific, daily time together ... as an example, one couple will dedicate the first 15 minutes when the husband comes home from work to lay together on their bed, close the door on the children, and talk together.

  • Reminisce ... another couple will look through their picture albums to bring back all the happy memories from their life together and then post some of those pictures on their computer monitors as a screen saver

  • Write notes ... sometimes those notes are informal sentences on a scrap of paper, or a quick email. Sometimes they're elaborate cards, and sometimes those notes are long letters of appreciation. The magic ingredient in every note is the tangible, written evidence of one spouse reaching out to the other to stay connected.

Do you want to stay connected with your spouse? Try one of these three actions.

Feeling connected to your spouse will create powerful opportunities to encourage. Encouragement can transform your life. So... Stay connected!

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