Thursday, September 25, 2008

Coloring Outside the Lines

Remember using crayons? Every color, every shade in the rainbow (plus a few more) was found in a box of crayons.

Sometimes I would draw my own pictures but more often I'd use a coloring book with the outline of pictures already drawn - the picture defined and waiting to be filled in.

Those line drawings on a white page were waiting for me to use my crayons and bring them to life.

While I was young, the outlines were just suggestions. I knew I could use the entire page and cover it with any color I chose. I could even add to the picture if something was missing. It didn't have to be perfect, just colorful. I delighted in the act of coloring.

As I got older, I concentrated on coloring inside the lines, and choosing my colors carefully to make the picture show artistic skill.

My actions became more about the end product than the process.

If I made a mistake and colored outside the line drawing, or used the wrong color in the wrong place... I'd discard that effort. Only the perfectly colored pictures would end up hanging on the wall or given as a gift.

Now I'm a grown-up - or at least I'm supposed to be.

Color in my life is still important and I have more color in my life than what’s on my walls. Color can manifest far more on the intangible than the exterior, physical part of life.

A colorful life can come from a diverse group of friends, or exhilarating experiences. Color in life can come from learning new things, or growing in a skill.

Encouragement can be a whole rainbow of colors to enhance a relationship.

What if you were to grow in your ability to encourage? What more could be added to your relationship with your spouse if you used encouragement like the box of crayons you had as a child?

You’re telling me that you already encourage.

I believe you.

However, are you careful to stay within the boundaries when encouraging your spouse - using only the tried and true?

That would be like only using a few crayons out of the rainbow pack. We're used to blue, green, yellow, and red and we stick with those colors. What would every color look like - all together - on the page?

Imagine filling your entire spousal relationship canvas using the colors of encouragement.

What effect can the right color have?

  • color can cheer
  • color can draw attention
  • color can enhance a drab interior or exterior
  • color can soothe
  • color can rejuvenate
  • color can change perspective
  • color can envelope

And encouragement can do all those things too.

  • Inspiring with HOPE can brighten your future.
  • Fortifying with FAITH can draw attention to God
  • Fostering with Unconditional LOVE can enhance the interior & exterior of any marriage
  • Uplifting with persistent PRAYER can soothe fears
  • Supporting with joy-filled ZEAL can rejuvenate a tired spirit
  • Stimulating with NEW INSIGHT can change perspective in situations
  • Validating with INTIMATE KNOWLEDGE can envelope your spouse with acceptance
Add a little encouragement color to your relationship!

Be bold – I challenge you to use all the colors in the box, to color outside the lines and really make an impact!

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