Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Adding Value - Where does it start?

On our drive to Canada, Robert and I discussed how much we admire our friends and the value they add to our lives - just by living as the people God made them to be.

One over-arching quality found in the people at our anniversary celebration is faith. Faith in and for God. Our friends' faith in God has impacted Robert & I by -

Modeling a life of faith - dedicated to serving God.

  • The minister who married Robert and I has retired, yet remains dedicated to spreading the gospel of Christ to all nations. (just as directed in the 25th chapter of Matthew) He and his wife spent years in Asia working to bring God's Word to all they met and still have a heart for those from Asia who now make their home in North America. And even though they are a married couple - working together - each has maintained their separate identity as individuals. They're an awesome team.

  • Some of our friends use their God-given talent to praise Him - singing & playing instruments as soloists, in small groups, leading worship or in a choir.

  • Others spend hours each week preparing to serve and teach - either behind an altar, in youth activities, Sunday School or just quietly with those they meet who need a word of encouragement. They have been faithful (faith-filled) for years - regardless of age and financial or health concerns.

Adding value to others begins with who we are and how we lead the life God has given us.

Do you strengthen - fortify - those around you (and your spouse)
with your depth and breadth of faith in God?
Our friends and family do and that's one way they've impacted our life!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Launching the next 25 Years

Robert and I just returned from a wonderful experience - celebrating with friends and family who shared in our wedding 25 years ago.

Through the last 25 years many of the group have remained close and we've shared our thoughts, feelings, joys and sorrows. We spent a little time during our celebration expressing how thankful we were to have these people in our life and the impact they made on us.

As Robert and I wrote out our "one-liners" to bring tribute to these special people, it caused us to reflect on how blessed we've been in learning things from others which have directly contributed to the success of our marriage.

Over the next days I'll highlight all the value our friends and family have provided for us.

Maybe it'll cause you to reflect on what your loved ones have contributed to your relationship!
