Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thank your spouse... today!

'Feeling gratitude
and not expressing it
is like wrapping a present
and not giving it.'

William Ward (1921-1994 - inspirational author)

Great quote, huh?*

I value Robert's ability to persevere. It's one of his main core values and he's demonstrated that quality all through our married life. I probably value that quality because I struggle in that area... ;-)

When was the last time you thanked your spouse for their good qualities - those qualities you value?

Take time today - say it, put it in a card, email it or text - and let the one you love know how thankful you feel!

* ... just a little confession... the reason this quote made such an impact on me is that I'm feeling guilty. Why? I have this present and a hand-made thank-you card sitting in a drawer - it's for a special couple who invited us over for a wonderful dinner and evening in June. Yes, I know. June... :-(

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