Friday, October 31, 2008

Holding Hands

Touch communicates love.

I'm sure that statement doesn't surprise you - we're bombarded by images on television and in print of couples touching each other. They're either embracing or kissing or caressing. Or more.

There's another touch between couples that communicates love, and I wonder when the last time you and your spouse reached out and ...

held hands?

I've interviewed a number of couples married more than 50 years. One of the many things I've noticed about their relationship is that they hold hands -or the wife will tuck her arm through the crook of her husband's arm as they walk.

It's touch. It isn't fancy, or overt but it does show two people connected by love.

I challenge you to reach out to your spouse today - and hold their hand. It's one way to encourage - to foster with unconditional love.

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