Friday, March 13, 2009

3 really easy steps to Celebrate the Good Stuff

Celebrations are fun. They commemorate the Good Stuff in life. However, between a husband and wife, those special occasion celebrations are often few and far between.

Now, think about a special occasion - a time when you wanted to celebrate. What ingredients went into that event? Chances are you were together with someone you cared about, you ate something, and there might have even been a lit candle or two.

When last did you light a candle while eating a meal with your spouse?

OK. Maybe I should ask a different question...

When was the last time you ate a meal with your spouse:
  • just the two of you,

  • sitting down at a table,

  • looking at each other (not at the television)?
As I talk with more couples I'm seeing a trend - and it's worrisome. The longer a couple is married, and the more responsibility they carry, the less time they set aside to celebrate life with each other. (except for their anniversary.) Am I describing your relationship?

Maybe you can't change the number of responsibilities in your life. Maybe your children aren't old enough to leave home yet, so being alone with your spouse is almost impossible. I know. There are lots of reasons not to spend time together - not to take the time to celebrate.

However, spending time with your spouse is part of the Good Stuff in life. The Good Stuff needs to be celebrated.

So, to create the habit of celebrating the Good Stuff in life, here's my proposition:

What I'm proposing isn't major, just a slight shift. One thing every human must do is eat and drink. What if you ate one meal this week - or even shared a piece of cut-up fruit as a midnight snack - alone with your spouse? And what if you lit a candle (one of those ingredients of a celebration) and ate, sitting down, together? I imagine could make you both smile.

3-steps to Celebrate the Good Stuff
  1. Light a candle.

  2. Look into your spouse's eyes as you sit at a table.

  3. Share a bite to eat & raise your glass to toast the Good Stuff in life - your relationship!

It's that easy to celebrate the Good Stuff in life. Make it a habit and feel special!


Anonymous said...

But one should make sure the candle isn't overly tall ... nothing like catching a sleeve on fire to add some excitement! Alas, not the excitement you were hoping for!

Lori said...

Yup. Fire = Excitement!

And make sure the candle in its holder isn't wobbling... Rob's blown out my candles because he was nervous they'd tip over. ;-)

Also... now that I think of it ... DO NOT use lit "tea lights" (without a protective holder) and paper napkins together! I've been forced to throw a glass of water on my flaming paper napkin at a family Thanksgiving! Now there's excitement!