Saturday, April 18, 2009

My favorite books ...

Robert and I are always reading - usually on topics like leadership, ministry, business and, of course, marriage.

Once we've read a book we'll encourage the other to read it or share the insights and information we've learned as we drive somewhere. (we do a lot of driving)

I've come across some great resources, both for practical advice and fascinating insight, to enrich our marriage.

Here's a list of 10 valuable books (in no particular order) I can recommend:

1. The 5 Love Languages ... by Gary Chapman

2. Relationships by Les & Leslie Parrott

3. Pray Big for Your Marriage... by Will Davis

4. The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work by John M. Gottman

5. The Marriage Builder by Larry Crabb

6. Love is a Decision by Gary Smalley & John Trent

7. Shower Her with Roses by Tony M. Stevens

8. I Do Again by Cheryl & Jeff Scruggs

9. Building Your Mate's Self Esteem by Dennis & Barbara Rainey

10. The Second Half of Marriage... by David and Claudia Arp

Next time you're in a book store (or at the library) take a look at one or two of these.
